Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Day 8

It was nice to have Tony and Scott in our class today. I thought it was interesting that Tony was on our blog yesterday so he could see what we were up to. Monday I couldn't figure out who was apowell on our blog, now I know.
Today was discussed our rubric for our projects. I feel like we wrote the rubric weeks ago and it was only last week. I am so glad that we will have a chance to work in our groups tomorrow. I know that we need to think outside of the box and remember all of the class discussions and books that we have heard about on Monday and Tuesday. I think that our group is on the right track for the project now. It is just hard to break old habits but when you are willing to try you can always do better.
This class has definitely shown me so many things that you can do on the Internet. I have to write them all down just to keep track of them. Oh , I should say they are in my Del. account. You could play on the computer all day looking at stuff. I know that I will use what I have learn to the next school year.

1 comment:

Anthony Powell said...

Your project was awesome. It was one of my favorites. Looking at your project on the class wiki shows a wealth of information. Of course, like Pat, I loved your protopage. Please publish the address for that page. Great job! Keep the conversation going with this blog to let others in the blogosphere know about your experiences with tech integration.
